Who we are:   A non-profit XC ski trail grooming operation off of
              route 431 above Incline Village, organized by Tahoe XC ski
What we do:   Through participant donations, we groom 10-15 kilometers of
              trails for both classic and skate style cross country skiing.
              The groomer, purchased used from a defunct x-country ski resort
              in Michigan, will lay a six foot wide trail with striding tracks.
              If we groom out and back, we should have a 10 foot wide trail.
What we don't do:  We aren't a commercial cross country ski area with everyday
                   grooming and a full time staff.  Grooming depends on donations
                   and volunteer grooming efforts.  We don't have a staff to
                   sweep the trail system at the end of the day for lost, tired
                   or hurt skiers.  If you want any of those services, you can
                   find plenty of excellent XC ski areas that provide these
                   services.   But, we feel our suggested donation of $50 for
                   the season takes our limitations into account.  And, unlike
                   the commercial areas, we are not closed before 9AM or after
                   5PM.   So, if you want to get in a quick ski before or after
                   work, or at lunch, these trails may be ideal for you.
Trail Description and Access
Grooming Report and Schedule