*             TOUR DE FRANCE ROTISSERIE LEAGUE 1996                    *
*                                                        \o/           *
*    __o      __o      __o              __o               | ,          *
*   -\<,     -\<,     -\<,             -\<,              -\-\          *
* (*)/ ( ) (*)/ ( ) (*)/ ( ).........(*)/ ( )..........(*)/ ( )        *

League Adminstrators:    Ed Klotz       (ed@cplex.com)
                         Sam Eldersveld (seldersveld@ucsd.edu)

Unless there's a failed drug test or some other unexpected event
that cause a change in the final standings, this is your last

Moncassin's 2nd place finish in the final stage broke a 3 way tie and
made a winner of Matt Sheridan, who led for most of the way.  

There was a tie between Dana Perry and Jaimen S.  for the other two
podium spots.  Dana was last year's winner, and he came close to
a repeat despite being well behind for the first 15 stages.

Raphael G. takes the Lanterne Stooge this year.

Nows the time for you to pony up your $1 if you haven't already done
so.  I have received money from:

Dana P.
Elizabeth P.
Corliss P. 
Pete S.
Gordon I.
Al V. 
Remi B.

If you are not one of those folks, please send $1 to 

Ed Klotz
PO Box 4670 
Incline Village NV.

Thanks for playing.  Next year we hope to increase the number of
participants.  Better start thinking about next year's picks.

By the way, if you wished you had access to better coverage of the
TDF and other cycling events than what is provided by ESPN, you
may want to check out the flyer at the end of this e-mail.  It
describes the European Cycling Video Club, which provides the
opportunity to purchase tapes of Eurosport coverage.  I tried it
this year and found it to be worth while.  

						-- Ed K.

           Palaiseau to Paris Champs-Élysées, 139.5 km (86.5 miles) 

Sunday, July 21

Previous days 1BALDATO Fabio 3h30'44" 2MONCASSIN Frédéric 00'00" 3
BLIJLEVENS Jeroen 00'00" 4ABDOUJAPAROV Djamolidine 00'00" 5ZABEL Erik 
00'00" 6SORENSEN Rolf 00'00" 7TCHMIL Andrei 00'00" 8PICCOLI Mariano 
00'00" 9NELISSEN Danny 00'00" 10ANDREU Frankie 00'00" 11GOUVENOU
Thierry 00'00" 12FONDRIEST Maurizio 00'00" 13BIASCI Simone 00'00" 14

Cross-list of Participants and Chosen Riders:

1 Ed K.           Indurain, M.  Ugrumov, P.  Virenque, R.  Gotti, I.  
                  Buenahora, H.  LeBlanc, L.  Brochard, L.  DuFaux, L.  
                  Zberg, B.  
2 Sam E.          Indurain, M.  Zulle, A.  Jalabert, L.  Rominger, T.  
                  Virenque, R.  Mauri, M.  Escartin, F.  Riis, B.  Elli, A.  
3 Raphael G.      Armstrong, L.  Zanini, S.  Buenahora, H.  Gotti, I.  
                  Ugrumov, P.  Zaina, E.  Robin, J-C.  Olano, A.  Berzin, E.  
4 Sharon C.       Indurain, M.  Armstrong, L.  Museeuw, J.  Rominger, T.  
                  Jalabert, L.  Zulle, A.  Virenque, R.  Berzin, E.  
                  LeBlanc, L.  
5 Matt S.         Indurain, M.  Rominger, T.  Boardman, C.  Jalabert, L.  
                  Berzin, E.  Virenque, R.  Zulle, A.  Riis, B.  
                  Moncassin, F.  
6 Sharon F.       Indurain, M.  Zulle, A.  Riis, B.  Rominger, T.  Gotti, I.  
                  Armstrong, L.  Cipollini, M.  Chiappucci, C.  Ugrumov, P.  
7 Andrea G.       Indurain, M.  Zulle, A.  Jalabert, L.  Riis, B.  
                  Rominger, T.  Armstrong, L.  Virenque, R.  Cipollini, M.  
                  Chiappucci, C.  
8 Dave K.         Indurain, M.  Armstrong, L.  Zulle, A.  Rominger, T.  
                  Montoya, J.  Boardman, C.  Jalabert, L.  LeBlanc, L.  
                  Riis, B.  
9 Corliss P.      Indurain, M.  Zulle, A.  Jalabert, L.  Museeuw, J.  
                  Richard, P.  Berzin, E.  Hincapie, G.  Virenque, R.  
                  Ekimov, V.  
10 Elizabeth P.    Indurain, M.  Zulle, A.  Jalabert, L.  Riis, B.  
                  Richard, P.  Boardman, C.  Ugrumov, P.  Hamburger, B.  
                  Abdoujaparov, D.  
11 Al V.           Indurain, M.  Rominger, T.  Chiappucci, C.  Breukink, E.  
                  Armstrong, L.  Hamburger, B.  Den Bakker, M.  Boardman, C.  
                  Zulle, A.  
12 Richard W.      Indurain, M.  Jalabert, L.  Baldato, F.  Rominger, T.  
                  Virenque, R.  Boardman, C.  Armstrong, L.  Zulle, A.  
                  Cipollini, M.  
13 Remi B.         Jalabert, L.  Indurain, M.  Rominger, T.  Museeuw, J.  
                  Tchmil, A.  Zulle, A.  Armstrong, L.  Olano, A.  Rojas, M.  
14 Mike C.         Indurain, M.  Jalabert, L.  Zulle, A.  Rominger, T.  
                  Olano, A.  Berzin, E.  Virenque, R.  LeBlanc, L.  
                  Boardman, C.  
15 Dana P.         Indurain, M.  Zulle, A.  Riis, B.  Jalabert, L.  
                  Abdoujaparov, D.  Virenque, R.  Ugrumov, P.  Rominger, T.  
                  Armstrong, L.  
16 Gordon I.       Indurain, M.  Jalabert, L.  Virenque, R.  Rominger, T.  
                  Berzin, E.  Zulle, A.  Riis, B.  Boardman, C.  
                  Cipollini, M.  
17 Chuck S.        Indurain, M.  Jalabert, L.  Rominger, T.  Berzin, E.  
                  Virenque, R.  Boardman, C.  Zulle, A.  Chiappucci, C.  
                  Abdoujaparov, D.  
18 Billy M.        Berzin, E.  Zulle, A.  Abdoujaparov, D.  Indurain, M.  
                  Armstrong, L.  Virenque, R.  Boardman, C.  Jalabert, L.  
                  Riis, B.  
19 Jaimen S.       Indurain, M.  Jalabert, L.  Zulle, A.  Armstrong, L.  
                  Riis, B.  Abdoujaparov, D.  Olano, A.  Virenque, R.  
                  Rominger, T.  
20 Greg S.         Indurain, M.  Zulle, A.  Jalabert, L.  Riis, B.  
                  Rominger, T.  Olano, A.  Armstrong, L.  Boardman, C.  
                  Virenque, R.  
21 Pete S.         Indurain, M.  Jalabert, L.  Rominger, T.  Riis, B.  
                  Zulle, A.  Cipollini, M.  Boardman, C.  Virenque, R.  
                  Zabel, E.  
22 Team Monkey     Salvato, C.  Heppner, J.  Saligari, M.  Henn. C.  
                  Salvodelli, P.  Dekker, E.  Donati, M.  Bramati, D.  
                  Cattai, S.  
23 Team Gorilla    Belli, W.  Cipollini, M.  Capelle, C.  Virenque, R.  
                  Boardman, C.  Breukink, E.  Den Bakker, M.  LeBlanc, L.  
                  Chiappucci, C.  

Cross-list of Rider and Participants:

Rider                        Total  Participant (1,2,...etc from above)
Abdoujaparov, D.                (5)   10 15 17 18 19
Armstrong, L.                   (12)   3 4 6 7 8 11 12 13 15 18 19 20
Baldato, F.                     (1)   12
Belli, W.                       (1)   23
Berzin, E.                      (8)   3 4 5 9 14 16 17 18
Boardman, C.                    (12)   5 8 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 20 21 23
Bramati, D.                     (1)   22
Breukink, E.                    (2)   11 23
Brochard, L.                    (1)   1
Buenahora, H.                   (2)   1 3
Capelle, C.                     (1)   23
Casagrande, Fr.                 (0)  
Cattai, S.                      (1)   22
Chiappucci, C.                  (5)   6 7 11 17 23
Cipollini, M.                   (6)   6 7 12 16 21 23
Dekker, E.                      (1)   22
Den Bakker, M.                  (2)   11 23
Donati, M.                      (1)   22
DuFaux, L.                      (1)   1
Ekimov, V.                      (1)   9
Eldersveld, S.                  (0)  
Elli, A.                        (1)   2
Escartin, F.                    (1)   2
Fignon, L.                      (0)  
Gotti, I.                       (3)   1 3 6
Hamburger, B.                   (2)   10 11
Henn. C.                        (1)   22
Heppner, J.                     (1)   22
Hinault, B.                     (0)  
Hincapie, G.                    (1)   9
Indurain, M.                    (20)   1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Jalabert, L.                    (17)   2 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
LeBlanc, L.                     (5)   1 4 8 14 23
Lemond, G.                      (0)  
Mauri, M.                       (1)   2
Mignon, F.                      (0)  
Moncassin, F.                   (1)   5
Montoya, J.                     (1)   8
Museeuw, J.                     (3)   4 9 13
Olano, A.                       (5)   3 13 14 19 20
Pensec, R.                      (0)  
Perry, D.                       (0)  
Poulnikov, V.                   (0)  
Richard, P.                     (2)   9 10
Riis, B.                        (12)   2 5 6 7 8 10 15 16 18 19 20 21
Robin, J-C.                     (1)   3
Rojas, M.                       (1)   13
Rominger, T.                    (16)   2 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21
Saligari, M.                    (1)   22
Salvato, C.                     (1)   22
Salvodelli, P.                  (1)   22
Spencer, C.                     (0)  
Tchmil, A.                      (1)   13
Ugrumov, P.                     (5)   1 3 6 10 15
Virenque, R.                    (16)   1 2 4 5 7 9 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23
Zabel, E.                       (1)   21
Zaina, E.                       (1)   3
Zanini, S.                      (1)   3
Zberg, B.                       (1)   1
Zulle, A.                       (19)   2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Tour de France Rotisserie League Standings
Player           Score 
Matt S.            -24
Dana P.            -22
Jaimen S.          -22
Pete S.            -21
Greg S.            -19
Sam E.             -18
Gordon I.          -17
Andrea G.          -3
Billy M.           1
Mike C.            3
Dave K.            8
Ed K.              10
Elizabeth P.       11
Sharon F.          12
Sharon C.          18
Chuck S.           36
Corliss P.         53
Richard W.         57
Al V.              82
Team Gorilla       97
Remi B.            120
Team Monkey        269
Raphael G.         368

Scoring Breakdown 

                       G.C.  Positions               Stages     Jerseys
Player           R1 +R2 +R3 +R4 +R5 +R6 +R7 +R8 +R9-(1 +2 +3 +#Y+Y +G+K+W)
Matt S.           1   3  10  11  20  26  39 106 152  6  8  6  19 5  0 5 0
Dana P.           1   3   7  10  11  26  78 152 170  4  6  4  16 5  0 5 0
Jaimen S.         1   3   9  10  11  26  78 152 170  4  6  6  16 5  0 5 0
Pete S.           1   3  10  11  26  39  82 152 184  6  9  5  16 5  5 5 0
Greg S.           1   3   9  10  11  26  39 152 170  3  6  6  16 5  0 5 0
Sam E.            1   3   8  10  11  15  26  38 152  3  5  6  16 5  0 5 0
Gordon I.         1   3  10  11  20  26  39 152 184  5  7  5  18 5  0 5 0
Andrea G.         1   3  10  11  26  37 152 170 184  4  6  4  16 5  0 5 0
Billy M.          1   3  11  20  26  39  78 152 170  5  6  5  18 5  0 5 0
Mike C.           3   6   9  10  11  20  26  39 152  3  5  7   5 0  0 5 0
Dave K.           1   6  10  11  26  39 130 152 170  4  6  1  16 5  0 0 0
Ed K.             3   4   6   7  11  18 170 184 198  2  3  4   0 0  0 5 0
Elizabeth P.      1   7  11  13  26  39  47  78 152  5  5  1  16 5  0 0 0
Sharon F.         1   7  10  11  26  37 170 184 184  4  5  0  16 5  0 0 0
Sharon C.         3   6  10  11  20  26  95 152 170  3  4  5   5 0  0 5 0
Chuck S.          3  10  11  20  26  37  39  78 152  3  5  5   5 0  0 5 0
Corliss P.        3  11  20  21  26  47  95 135 152  3  2  5   5 0  0 5 0
Richard W.        3  10  11  26  39  63 152 170 184  3  5  5   3 0  0 5 0
Al V.            10  11  13  26  34  37  39  64 170  1  3  0   3 0  0 0 0
Team Gorilla      3   6  34  37  39  64  68 159 184  2  4  3   0 0  0 5 0
Remi B.           9  10  11  26  77  95 152 170 199  1  2  3   3 0  0 0 0
Team Monkey      22  33  70  72  74  76  88  94 170  0  1  0   0 0  0 0 0
Raphael G.        7   9  20 170 170 184 189 193 198  1  0  3   2 0  0 0 0

General Classification

Sunday, July 21

Previous days 1RIIS Bjarne 95h57'16" 2ULLRICH Jan 01'41" 3VIRENQUE
Richard 04'37" 4DUFAUX Laurent 05'53" 5LUTTEMBERGER Peter 07'07" 6
LEBLANC Luc 10'03" 7UGRUMOV Piotre 10'04" 8ESCARTIN Fernando 10'26" 9
OLANO Abraham 11'00" 10ROMINGER Tony 11'53" 11INDURAIN Miguel 14'14" 
12JONKER Patrick 18'58" 13HAMBURGER Bo 22'19" 14BOLTS Udo 25'56" 15
ELLI Alberto 26'18" 16FERNANDEZ GINES Manuel 26'28" 17PIEPOLI Leonardo
27'36" 18BROCHARD Laurent 32'11" 19BARTOLI Michele 37'18" 20BERZIN
Evgeni 38'00" 21EKIMOV Vjatceslav 43'58" 22CATTAI Stefano 48'03" 23
MADOUAS Laurent 53'15" 24GONZALEZ Arsenio 55'28" 25LELLI Massimiliano 
55'35" 26ZULLE Alex 56'47" 27GUERINI Giuseppe 1h05'12" 28SORENSEN Rolf
1h11'28" 29SKIBBY Jesper 1h11'36" 30FINCATO Marco 1h11'51" 31BOOGERD
Michaël 1h13'45" 32ARRIETA Jose Luis 1h13'48" 33SAVOLDELLI Paolo 
1h15'20" 34BREUKINK Erik 1h20'03" 35GARMENDIA Aitor 1h20'42" 36
CAMENZIND Oscar 1h25'27" 37CHIAPPUCCI Claudio 1h27'23" 38MAURI Melchor
1h27'28" 39BOARDMAN Chris 1h27'44" 40ECHAVE Federico 1h29'25" 41SIERRA
Roberto 1h30'11" 42HERVE Pascal 1h33'01" 43GUALDI Mirco 1h34'59" 44
ROUX Laurent 1h36'11" 45TAFI Andrea 1h38'54" 46FERRIGATO Andrea 
1h39'23" 47RICHARD Pascal 1h40'56" 48GARCIA CASAS Félix 1h42'13" 49
STEPHENS Neil 1h43'33" 50PERONA Davide 1h43'40" 51FONDRIEST Maurizio 
1h45'44" 52FOIS Valentino 1h45'58" 53DIAZ ZABALA Herminio 1h47'08" 54
RODRIGUES Orlando 1h47'15" 55THIBOUT Bruno 1h49'02" 56CENGHIALTA Bruno
1h49'19" 57JIMENEZ Jose Maria 1h51'30" 58INDURAIN Prudencio 1h52'30" 
59LANFRANCHI Paolo 1h54'42" 60VANZELLA Flavio 1h54'52" 61PODENZANA
Massimo 1h55'18" 62BOURGUIGNON Thierry 1h56'38" 63BALDATO Fabio 
1h57'08" 64DEN BAKKER Maarten 1h58'25" 65SIBONI Marcello 2h00'52" 66
ALONSO Marino 2h00'55" 67BOURGEOT Jean-Pierre 2h01'22" 68BELLI
Wladimir 2h01'42" 69VASSEUR Cédric 2h02'05" 70DONATI Massimo 2h02'53" 
71CASTELBLANCO Joaquim 2h03'01" 72SALIGARI Marco 2h03'09" 73ZEN Marco 
2h04'03" 74DEKKER Erik 2h05'03" 75MOREAU Christophe 2h07'20" 76HENN
Christian 2h07'33" 77TCHMIL Andrei 2h09'38" 78ABDOUJAPAROV Djamolidine
2h10'02" 79FORNACIARI Paolo 2h10'04" 80BOSCARDIN Bruno 2h10'12" 81
AGUIRRE Juan Cesar 2h10'23" 82ZABEL Erik 2h10'26" 83ALDAG Rolf 
2h12'16" 84NELISSEN Danny 2h12'25" 85PELLICIOLI Oscar 2h13'14" 86SIMON
François 2h16'19" 87OUSLAMINE Sergei 2h16'30" 88HEPPNER Jens 2h17'17" 
89MUNOZ Federico 2h17'25" 90JAERMANN Rolf 2h20'28" 91LEMARCHAND
François 2h21'15" 92URIARTE Jose Ramon 2h23'59" 93PICCOLI Mariano 
2h24'29" 94SALVATO Cristian 2h26'59" 95MUSEEUW Johan 2h29'02" 96
GONZALEZ Chepe 2h29'13" 97BRASI Rossano 2h30'20" 98ROSCIOLI Fabio 
2h31'06" 99VOSKAMP Bart 2h31'31" 100FRATTINI Francesco 2h32'06" 101
SUNDERLAND Scott 2h32'54" 102CABELLO Francisco 2h36'22" 103FRATTINI
Cristiano 2h37'56" 104LAURENT Thierry 2h37'57" 105PUMAR Omar 2h38'10" 
106MONCASSIN Frédéric 2h38'57" 107HOLM Brian 2h39'51" 108GUESDON
Frédéric 2h42'49" 109VIDAL José Angel 2h42'58" 110PEETERS Wilfried 
2h46'47" 111ANDREU Frankie 2h48'46" 112BARONTI Alessandro 2h52'37" 113
STEINHAUSER Tobias 2h54'34" 114GOUVENOU Thierry 2h54'35" 115DURAND
Jacky 2h54'39" 116VAN PETEGEM Peter 2h56'10" 117BOTTARO Dario 2h56'38"
118TALMANT Gilles 2h57'35" 119DE VRIES Gerrit 3h04'45" 120VAN HYFTE
Paul 3h06'43" 121CERIOLI Ivan 3h07'50" 122FARAZIJN Peter 3h14'06" 123
MATTAN Nico 3h14'49" 124WAUTERS Marc 3h15'46" 125CHIESA Mario 3h18'02"
126BIASCI Simone 3h22'16" 127POLI Eros 3h34'38" 128BLIJLEVENS Jeroen 
3h35'12" 129MASDUPUY Jean-Luc 3h49'52" 

From ecvc@halcyon.com Mon Jul 15 20:23 PDT 1996
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 01:01:48 -0700
From: European Cycling Video Club 
To: ecvc
Subject: 96 Club Info Summary

Dear Cycling Fan,

You recently inquired about the videos available to members of the
European Cycling Video Club. Since you may never have seen any of
the club's race videos, I'd like to offer you a chance to view a 
race tape at the actual member cost of $6 per tape (plus shipping).
You can choose one race or stage from the 1996 races listed below.

To try out one of these tapes, email me a message with your 
selection, then send your check (1 tape: $11/ 2 tapes: $17)

       P.O. Box 31609
       Seattle, WA 98103

I'm certain you'll enjoy watching a race the way Europeans do:
with a knowledgeable commentator who doesn't insult your intelligence,
(NO ESPN-Speak) and without a boring new-age synthesizer sound track.



|            1996 Races Avail & Member Cost                 |
|                                      $      $        $    |
|               |     |      |     | Tape  | Ship  |        |
|               |     |      |  #  | Cost  | Cost  |  Cost  |
|  96 Races     |hh:mm| Lang |Tapes|(1race)|(1race)| (1race)|
Worlds/Bel Cyclo| 2:00|Eng/NL|  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Het Volk       | 1:32| NL   |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Milan-San Remo | 2:02| IT1  |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Crit. Int'l    | 1:41| Eng  |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 E3-Harelbeke   | 1:43| NL   |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 T of Flanders  | 2:00| Eng  |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Ghent-Wevelgem | 1:43| Eng  |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Paris-Roubiax  | 3:00| Eng  |     |       |       |        |
 Tour Sardinia  | 0:45| It   |  2  | 12.00 | 5.00  | 17.00  |
 Fleche Wallonne| 1:43| NL   |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Amstel Gold    | 1:30| Eng  |     |       |       |        |
 Veennendahl    | 0:15| Eng  |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Leige-B-Leige  | 0:45| Eng  |     |       |       |        |
 Fleche Wallonne| 0:30| Eng  |     |       |       |        |
 Giro Appenines | 0:20| It   |     |       |       |        |
 Giro Prim Ital | 0:20| It   |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Olympic Trials | 2:00| Eng  |  1  | 6.00  | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Giro Trentino  | 0:21| It   |     |       |       |        |
 Giro Prim Ital | 0:38| It   |     |       |       |        |
 Giro Friulia   | 0:14| It   |     |       |       |        |
 Giro Industria | 0:39| It   |  1  |  6.00 | 5.00  | 11.00  |
 Paris-Nice     | 3:00| Fr   |  2  | 12.00 | 5.00  | 17.00  |
 Giro 1 ( 1-12) | 2:00| Ger  |     |       |       |        |
 Giro 2 (13-19) | 2:00| Ger  |     |       |       |        |
 Giro 3 (20-21A)| 2:00| Ger  |     |       |       |        |
 Giro 4 (21B-22)| 2:00| Ger  |  4  | 24.00 | 10.00 | 34.00  |
                       Eng = English (Eurosport)
                       Eng4= English (Channel 4)
                       NL  = Netherlands (BRTN2)
                       IT1 = Italian (Italia I)
                       IT  = Italian (RAI)
                       Ger = German (DSF)
                       Fr  = French

|              E.C.V.C. "Classic" Races                     |
|                                     $      $        $     |
|               |     |      |     | Race  | Ship  |  Club  |
|               |     |      |  #  | Cost  | Cost  |  Cost  |
|  Races        |hh:mm| Lang |Tapes|(1race)|(1race)| (1race)|
|  1995 Races   |     |      |     |       |       |        |
|95 Tour Flander| 4:00| Eng  |  2  | 12.00 |  5.00 | 17.00  |
|95 Vuelta      | 6:00| Eng  |  3  | 18.00 |  5.00 | 23.00  |
|95 Tour d Suiss| 6:00| Eng  |  3  | 18.00 |  5.00 | 23.00  |
|95 Worlds RR   | 4:00| Eng  |  2  | 12.00 |  5.00 | 17.00  |
|93 Worlds(Lance| 4:00| Eng  |  2  | 12.00 |  5.00 | 17.00  |
|94 ParisRoubaix| 4:00| Eng  |  2  | 12.00 |  5.00 | 17.00  |

| Special Races |     |      |     |       |       |        |
|Rominger 55.291| 1:50| Eng  |  1  |  6.00 |  5.00 | 11.00  |
|95 Cyclo Champ | 2:00| NL   |  1  |  6.00 |  5.00 | 11.00  |
|94 Cyclo Champ | 1:30| Eng  |  1  |  6.00 |  5.00 | 11.00  |
|85/93 Cyclo    | 1:30| Eng  |  1  |  6.00 |  5.00 | 11.00  |
                       Eng = English (Eurosport)
                       Eng4= English (Channel 4)
                       NL  = Netherlands (BRT)
                       IT  = Italian (RAI)
                       Ger = German (DSF)

To     : All Professional Cycle Racing Fans
Subject: European Cycling Video Club
Date   : 1996 Cycling Season
ECVC imports video of races from all over Europe, including
the entire UCI World Cup Series, the Tour of Spain, Tour of Italy,
Tour de France, and the World Road Championships.

There are substancial expenses required to do this. The purpose of
the club is to cover these expenses with annual membership dues,
thereby making individual races available at a reasonable price. This
allows members to be able to obtain more races. In fact the more races
you obtain, the better the return on your membership. 

The UCI World Cup races and Tour de France are covered by Eurosport,
and have English commentary. Races from our Dutch source (eg: Het Volk)
or our Italian source (eg: Milan San-Remo) have commentary in their
native tongue. Check the "Lang" column of the chart above.

For the 95 Tour de France, we obtained 24 hours of "regular" video
coverage. This means aprox. 1.0 hour/day with no commercials. The
Time Trials, Prologue, and final stage stages were longer.
In 95, Eurosport had complete 5 and 6 hour coverage of TdF Stages 10 
and 15. 

A membership can be shared among several persons, as long as there
is a single person handling all contact and ordering. This allows
friends or a cycling club to share the dues and tapes.

An annual membership entitles you to one copy of any race which the club 
obtains for that season. Multiple copies of races are not available because
the only way to cover attrition and expand membership is if more people join,
and not if existing members get 5 copies for all their non-member
friends. There is a "reward" (1 tape + shipping) for signing up 
your friends as new members.

Sample Race
If you would like to try a "sample" tape before you decide to
join, you can obtain one race at a member cost. Note that races 
which have English language commentary have "Eng" in the "Lang" 
column. See above for details.

Membership Dues
Sorry folks, but nothing is free. The expense required to obtain
the videos from Europe, ship them to the US, and convert the tapes
from European PAL to USA NTSC format is considerable. There 
are two different ways to cover these expenses.

One way is to have no membership dues, and charge $40/2hr tape 
(sound familiar?). The disadvantage of this approach is that
the cost/race is so high that most people can only afford to
get and view one or two races a year.
The ECVC way is to have annual membership dues of $105,
and charge a reasonable price of the tapes. The advantage of this
approach is that once the membership dues are covered, the
cost/race is so low that most people can afford to get ALL
the races for the entire year. For 1996 the cost per tape
will be $6.00.

Membership runs on a calender year basis. Because the expenses
required to run the club start again each year, the dues
required to cover them must also start again each year. At
the beginning of each season, a final offer to obtain the
previous seasons tapes is made. After that, only current
years tapes are available. This is not a wherehouse club.
However, members vote on the "best" two races of the year, and
they become "classic" and are kept available for future years.  

New members who join at the end of one season, but before the next
one begins may have access to up to four of the previous years tapes
at member price. Thats tapes, not races. They can select part of
the Tour de France, but not the whole "race" as one. After that,
a surcharge of $6.00/tape applies to each tape, up to a maximum of 
$50.00, (50% of last years dues).

1996 Races Covered
As last year, Eurosport is scheduled to cover ALL the UCI World
Cup Races. Sources indicate they will also be covering Het Volk, 
the Worlds, and the TdF. Last season they offered summary coverage
of the Giro, and daily of the Vuelta. I make no guarantee on which 
early season Italian or Dutch races might be televised, but I'll 
try to get whats available.

                     PO Box 31609
                     Seattle, WA 98103
