*             TOUR DE FRANCE ROTISSERIE LEAGUE 1995                    *
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League Adminstrators:    Ed Klotz       (ed@cplex.com)
                         Sam Eldersveld (same@espresso.rt.cs.boeing.com)

As expected, the final stage was a mass sprint finish, with all 115 riders
finishing in the same time.  No changes in GC occurred. 

This will be the final update, unless a failed drug test results in 
disqualification of a chosen rider of relevance later on.  Our winner
is Dana Perry,  with Nicho Ybarra and Pete Sweeney the other two spots
on the "podium".   Greg Shinn did the big fade to 4th after leading 
most of the way.  Team Monkey takes the Lanterne Rouge this year.

Dana has requested that his winnings go to the Motorola fund set up
for the family of Fabio Casartelli.  So, if you have yet to pay,
please get your $1 to Ed or Sam.

           1. Djam.Abdoesjaparov (Oez)  3:39.46'
           2. Gian Matteo Fagnini (Ita)    z.t. 
           3. Giovanni Lombardi (Ita)      z.t. 
           4. Laurent Jalabert (Fra)       z.t. 
           5. Maximilian Sciandri (Ita)    z.t. 
           6. Erik Zabel (Dui)             z.t. 
           7. Stefano Colage (Ita)         z.t. 
           8. Johan Museeuw (Bel)          z.t. 
           9. Giovanni Fidanza (Ita)       z.t. 
          10. Frankie Andreu (VS)          z.t. 
          11. Andrea Ferrigato (Ita)       z.t. 
          12. Jesper Skibby (Den)          z.t. 
          13. Bo Hamburger (Den)           z.t. 
          14. Gianluca Gorini (Ita)        z.t. 
          15. Francois Simon (Fra)         z.t. 
          16. Laurent Brochard (Fra)       z.t. 
          17. Thierry Marie (Fra)          z.t. 
          18. Yvon Ledanois (Fra)          z.t. 
          19. Mauro Bettin (Ita)           z.t. 
          20. Marcello Siboni (Ita)        z.t. 

Tour de France Rotisserie League Standings
Player           Score 
Dana P.            -54
Nicho Y.           -50
Pete S.            -49
Greg S.            -47
Andrea G.          -41
Corliss S.         -41
Billy Breakaway    -40
Dave L.            -34
Dan P.             -32
Sharon C.          -30
Kevin H.           -30
Ed K.              -29
Al V.              -20
Bob M.             -11
Sharon F.          -8
Phil W.            -2
Sam E.             0
Kathy S.           0
Sophie B.          3
Chuck S.           6
Cass L.            10
Remi B.            71
Team Monkey        239

Scoring Breakdown (Stage wins include Team time trial)

                       G.C.  Positions               Stages     Jerseys
Player           R1 +R2 +R3 +R4 +R5 +R6 +R7 +R8 +R9-(1 +2 +3 +#Y+Y +G+K+W)
Dana P.           1   2   4   9  11  13  53  56 116  8  8  6  15 5 10 3 2
Nicho Y.          1   4   8   9  13  36  56  73 144  9  8  7  15 5 10 3 2
Pete S.           1   4   8   9  11  13  56 144 189  8  8  7  15 5 10 3 2
Greg S.           1   2   4   8  11  13  46 130 144  7  7  6  15 5 10 0 2
Andrea G.         1   2   4   8  11  16  44  73 144  6  7  5  15 5 10 0 0
Corliss S.        1   2   4  13  18  36  56  62  73  8  8  7  15 5 10 0 2
Billy Breakaway   1   4   8  11  13  56 130 144 189  7  8  8  15 5 10 0 2
Dave L.           1   2   8   9  13  36  56  62 154  8  6  8  13 5  0 3 2
Dan P.            1   4   8  11  13  46  62 130 144  6  7  5  15 5 10 0 2
Sharon C.         1   2   8   9  11  36  56  73 144  6  7  8  13 5  0 3 0
Kevin H.          1   2   8   9  11  16  36  56 189  6  7  8  13 5  0 3 0
Ed K.             1   2   3   9  11  22  25  42 130  5  7  4  14 5  0 3 0
Al V.             1   2   8  11  13  36  53 101 144  6  6  5  13 5  0 0 2
Bob M.            1   8   9  11  13  25  53 144 144  6  4  4  13 5  0 3 2
Sharon F.         1   2   8  11  18  27  36  46  61  4  6  6  13 5  0 0 0
Phil W.           1   4  10  18  25  89 144 154 190  4  7  4  15 5 10 0 0
Sam E.            1   4  13  22  25  37 130 144 189  6  6  3  15 5 10 0 2
Kathy S.          1   3   8  16  27  36  44  56 189  5  7  7  14 5  0 0 0
Sophie B.         1   4   8  11  53  56  62  90 189  6  9  8  15 5 10 0 0
Chuck S.          1   2   8  13  44  53  56 144 189  8  5  8  13 5  0 0 2
Cass L.           1   4   8  11  46  62  89 135 144  4  7  4  15 5 10 0 0
Remi B.           4  12  19  28  36  94 130 153 154  2  5  0   2 0 10 0 0
Team Monkey       2  42  56  67  89  96 122 135 142  3  2  4   0 0  0 0 0


           1. Miguel Indurain (Spa)    92:44.59'
           2. Alex Zulle (Zwi)        +    4.35'
           3. Bjarne Riis (Den)       +    6.47'
           4. Laurent Jalabert (Fra)  +    8.24'
           5. Ivan Gotti (Ita)        +   11.33'
           6. Melchor Mauri (Spa)     +   15.20'
           7. Fernando Escartin (Spa) +   15.49'
           8. Tony Rominger (Zwi)     +   16.46'
           9. Richard Virenque (Fra)  +   17.31'
          10. Hernan Buenahora (Col)  +   18.50'
          11. Claudio Chiappucci(Ita) +   18.55'
          12. Laurent Madouas (Fra)   +   20.37'
          13. Marco Pantani (Ita)     +   26.20'
          14. Paolo Lanfranchi (Ita)  +   29.41'
          15. Bruno Cenghialta (Ita)  +   29.55'
          16. Alvaro Mejia (Col)      +   33.40'
          17. Bo Hamburger (Den)      +   34.49'
          18. Vjatsjeslav Jekimov(Ru) +   39.51'
          19. Laurent Dufaux (Zwi)    +   45.55'
          20. ERIK BREUKINK           +   47.27'

        PICTURE of the page below.

        685/2    NOS-TT  685 zo 23 jul  21.48:00
           82ste        GELE TRUI               
           Tour de    EINDKLASSEMENT        2/6 
           France       (volledig)              
          21. Vicente Aparicio (Spa)  +   52.54'
          22. Jean-Cyril Robin (Fra)  +   56.01'
          23. Arsenio Gonzales (Spa)  +   56.18'
          24. Federico Munoz (Col)    + 1:01.03'
          25. Vladimir Poelnikov(Oek) + 1:01.31'
          26. Massimo Podenzana (Ita) + 1:01.54'
          27. Laudelino Cubino (Spa)  + 1:02.27'
          28. Laurent Brochard (Fra)  + 1:02.45'
          29. Beat Zberg (Zwi)        + 1:07.08'
          30. Yvon Ledanois (Fra)     + 1:14.04'
          31. Johan Bruyneel (Bel)    + 1:18.14'
          32. Oscar Pellicioli (Ita)  + 1:20.13'
          33. Alberto Elli (Ita)      + 1:21.34'
          34. Jean-Fr.Bernard (Fra)   + 1:23.11'
          35. Herm.Diaz-Zabala (Spa)  + 1:23.27'
          36. Lance Armstrong (VS)    + 1:28.06'
          37. Georg Totschnig (Oos)   + 1:30.47'
          38. Udo Bolts (Dui)         + 1:31.16'
          39. Andrea Tafi (Ita)       + 1:36.49'
          40. Jose R.Gonz.Arrieta(Sp) + 1:38.04'

        PICTURE of the page below.

        685/3    NOS-TT  685 zo 23 jul  21.49:51
           82ste        GELE TRUI               
           Tour de    EINDKLASSEMENT        3/6 
           France       (volledig)              
          41. Rue (Fra)               + 1:38.11'
          42. Zaina (Ita)             + 1:38.28'
          43. Lelli (Ita)             + 1:39.43'
          44. Peron (Ita)             + 1:42.18'
          45. EDDY BOUWMANS           + 1:44.09'
          46. Jaskula (Pol)           + 1:53.46'
          47. Sciandri (Ita)          + 1:55.10'
          48. Vona (Ita)              + 1:55.35'
          49. Skibby (Den)            + 1:55.43'
          50. Sierra (Ven)            + 1:56.17'
          51. Colombo (Ita)           + 1:57.14'
          52. MAARTEN DEN BAKKER      + 1:58.25'
          53. Bugno (Ita)             + 1:58.47'
          54. Ferrigato (Ita)         + 2:04.51'
          55. Rous (Fra)              + 2:07.39'
          56. Abdoesjaparov (Oez)     + 2:08.55'
          57. Miranda (Spa)           + 2:08.57'
          58. Aldag (Dui)             + 2:13.41'
          59. Simon (Fra)             + 2:15.16'
          60. Stephens (Aus)          + 2:16.01'

        PICTURE of the page below.

        685/4    NOS-TT  685 zo 23 jul  21.51:44
           82ste        GELE TRUI               
           Tour de    EINDKLASSEMENT        4/6 
           France       (volledig)              
          61. Arroyo (Mex)            + 2:19.06'
          62. De las Cuevas (Fra)     + 2:19.23'
          63. Bouvard (Fra)           + 2:24.18'
          64. Hodge (Aus)             + 2:28.17'
          65. Volpi (Ita)             + 2:28.43'
          66. Heppner (Dui)           + 2:30.47'
          67. Jarmann (Zwi)           + 2:32.14'
          68. Jeker (Zwi)             + 2:38.21'
          69. Uriarte (Spa)           + 2:38.22'
          70. ERIK DEKKER             + 2:38.28'
          71. Tsjmile (Rus)           + 2:39.02'
          72. Donati (Ita)            + 2:40.04'
          73. Museeuw (Bel)           + 2:41.54'
          74. Oetsjakov (Rus)         + 2:42.07'
          75. Kaspoetis (Lit)         + 2:45.50'
          76. Van de Laer (Bel)       + 2:45.52'
          77. Frattini (Ita)          + 2:46.11'
          78. Alonso (Spa)            + 2:47.25'
          79. Bottaro (Ita)           + 2:47.26'
          80. Davy (Fra)              + 2:49.17'

        PICTURE of the page below.

        685/5    NOS-TT  685 zo 23 jul  21.52:00
           82ste        GELE TRUI               
           Tour de    EINDKLASSEMENT        5/6 
           France       (volledig)              
          81. Perona (Ita)            + 2:51.34'
          82. Andreu (VS)             + 2:52.15'
          83. Galletti (Ita)          + 2:52.22'
          84. Siboni (Ita)            + 2:53.16'
          85. Milesi (Ita)              2:54.10'
          86. Vanzella (Ita)               z.t. 
          87. Perini (Ita)            + 2:54.18'
          88. Peeters (Bel)           + 2:54.38'
          89. Bontempi (Ita)          + 2:55.28'
          90. Zabel (Dui)             + 2:56.48'
          91. Piziks (Lit)            + 2:57.55'
          92. Lemarchand (Fra)        + 2:58.26'
          93. Vidal (Spa)             + 2:58.38'
          94. Marie (Fra)             + 2:58.54'
          95. Garmendia (Spa)         + 2:59.43'
          96. Gontsjenkov (Oek)       + 3:00.25'
          97. FRANS MAASSEN           + 3:01.43'
          98. Scirea (Ita)            + 3:01.55'
          99. Bettin (Ita)            + 3:04.00'
         100. Loda (Ita)              + 3:04.45'

        PICTURE of the page below.

        685/6    NOS-TT  685 ma 24 jul  04.11:59
           82ste        GELE TRUI               
           Tour de    EINDKLASSEMENT        6/6 
           France       (volledig)              
         101. Bauer (Can)             + 3:05.33'
         102. Brasi (Ita)             + 3:06.23'
         103. Lombardi (Ita)          + 3:06.40'
         104. Talmant (Fra)           + 3:07.19'
         105. Farazijn (Bel)          + 3:09.32'
         106. Colage (Ita)            + 3:10.04'
         107. Fagnini (Ita)           + 3:12.11'
         108. Fidanza (Ita)           + 3:12.20'
         109. Swart (NZl)             + 3:14.15'
         110. Gorini (Ita)            + 3:14.20'
         111. Serpellini (Ita)        + 3:16.05'
         112. Cassani (Ita)           + 3:16.51'
         113. BART VOSKAMP            + 3:17.41'
         114. Poli (Ita)              + 3:21.26'
         115. Cornillet (Fra)         + 3:36.26'
Green Jersey:
          1. Laurent Jalabert (Fra)      333 pnt
          2. Djam.Abdoesjaparov (Oez)    271  " 
          3. Miguel Indurain (Spa)       180  " 
          4. Bjarne Riis (Den)           175  " 
          5. Erik Zabel (Dui)            168  " 
KOM jersey:
          1. Richard Virenque (Fra)      438 pnt
          2. Claudio Chiappucci (Ita)    214  " 
          3. Alex Zulle (Zwi)            205  " 
          4. Miguel Indurain (Spa)       198  " 
          5. Hernan Buenahora (Col)      177  " 
White Jersey (best rider 25 & under)
          1. Marco Pantani (Ita)       89:31.33'
          2. Bo Hamburger (Den)       +    8.29'
          3. Beat Zberg (Zwi)         +   40.48'